Cloud Farmer—the simple solution on Matariki Terraces.

Farming is complex and at times unpredictable, but that doesn’t mean your farm software has to be. Matariki Terraces is complex due to its size, multiple locations and the number of staff. George Tatham of Matariki Terraces wasn’t interested in introducing more complexity, but he did need a way to manage the weekly planning and get a good overview of what’s happening. Seven years on Cloud Farmer is at the centre of George’s operation with the whole team using it daily to plan, capture stock info and hours.

Planning is a breeze

George puts a lot of Matariki Terraces’ success down to the discipline of planning, “Cloud Farmer makes the task of planning simple and the guys are happy to do it. Using the weekly planner gives us the ability to plan forward and be organised. Having a written plan makes each person on farm accountable and we’re all focussed on the right thing.” says George. Because Cloud Farmer is an app the whole team can see the plan on their phone, “Cloud Farmer is seamless, everyone can see the information entered pretty much instantly, they know what’s expected of them and there are no excuses.” says George.

A simple, but perfect solution, Cloud Farmer is a hit on Matariki Terraces due to its overall simplicity and ease of use. “At some point you have to embrace technology on farm, there’s no getting away from it.” says George. There’s lots of farm software out there but often they try to do too much and become complicated. Cloud Farmer has been designed by NZ farmers to be simple and is focussed on providing farmers with a convenient place to record, store and share all of their day-to-day operational farm info. “Farmers wanting a simple, cost effective recording system for compliance and communication can’t go past Cloud Farmer—it’s the perfect solution.” says George.

Easy to implement

“If Cloud Farmer hadn’t been simple, I’d never have got the team using it. Everyone on farm is happy to use the app, including the old guy. In fact, he’s now one of the best at it!” says George. What makes Cloud Farmer really easy to use is the ability to customise it to suit your farm—you don’t have to change the way you work, Cloud Farmer can simply sit alongside your current processes.

Give Cloud Farmer a try and see if it’s right for your farm. TRY FOR FREE
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