Today’s Shout Out – Firth Farming, South Wairarapa

Today’s Shout Out is to Mike and Fiona Firth who run a busy operation in Southern Wairarapa. They had been quietly on the lookout for something to help manage their day to day operations.  It was a recent trip to a field day at winners of the Keinzley Agvet Wairarapa Sheep & Beef Business of the Year , Ali Scott & Dion Kilmister, where they heard about Cloud Farmer.  Mike figured that if Cloud Farmer worked really well for an operation as complicated and busy as Ali and Dion’s and if it was a key tool in them winning their award, then that sounded right on the mark for them.  Mike and Fiona were particularly excited about the opportunities to have everything in the one spot and keep their fingers on the pulse. As Mike said “It’s all there with me, all the time”. 

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