New Zealand Farm Assurance Program

RMPP’s new NZ Farm Assurance Program (NZ FAP) has recently been released.  In a nutshell it’s designed to ensure everyone is working to the same baseline standard and it’s going to streamline the current range of industry audit systems operating.  What does this mean for Cloud Farmer?  Lots!

  1. A Farmer Handbook has been created and within it are some great resources ranging from expectations around Animal Health & Welfare through to recommended best practice for Waste Management. We have electronic copies available for you to host on your Cloud Farmer system, meaning that there’s no excuse for anyone in your team not to 100% familiar with the requirements. Let us know if you’d like us to email you a copy or help you to embed it into your system.
  2. Its intention is that you will have ONE audit, no matter how many meat companies you supply. The base audit will be the same, although your meat company may have some additional requirements based on certain contract requirements. Talk to them directly about this to find out what might be needed and we can help you customise your system to incorporate any special requirements.
    However we’ve kept the best to last…
  3. Our clients are forever telling us how easy Cloud Farmer makes their audit process as the visual format and layout of records is so clear and simple. Now it’s even better as under the new programme you will be able to have your audit done electronically! So instead of the auditor sitting down at your computer as you run them through your records, you will be able to invite them in to see the appropriate records in your Cloud Farmer system. This is going to be huge for Cloud Farmer and our clients and we’re really excited about the opportunities that this will bring to help farmers make audit fast and efficient. This initiative is being led by the meat companies and we’ll keep you up to date with how things progress.

To find out more see, have a chat to your local meat company rep, or talk to us about how you can start preparing.

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