Free Flood Assistance Tool—Cloud Farmer App

Manage the clean-up

After any adverse weather event the list of things you need to do and think about will grow exponentially. Just knowing where to start can be very overwhelming. Writing it all down and making a plan can help with that overwhelming feeling and ease the stress a wee bit. It also allows others to see what needs doing and gives you the ability to delegate if possible.

Cloud Farmer is offering all farmers affected by the Canterbury floods a free tool to manage the huge clean up task ahead of them. You’ll get access to a pared back version of the Cloud Farmer app for free, for three months.

Once the flood waters have receded enough for you to drive around the whole farm you’re going to notice a whole lot of things that need doing. Instead of trying to keep this list in your head or a soggy piece of paper enter it straight into our app—take a photo, write a short description, give it a priority, assign to someone else.

The tool is a pared back version of the Cloud Farmer app to help manage the clean-up and includes a weekly planner, a diary to jot things down and most importantly a jobs list to collect everything in one place. We’re offering you the ability to use this free tool until 1 September 2021. At any point you can download or print any of the info you enter to excel or pdf at the click of the button—it’s your info after all.

How it works

You don’t need internet access, but you will need to sync all the info you entered once you’re back at home and have Wi-Fi. You can give as many people as you like access to the app so they can see what needs doing and when. They can also add a note to say that they’ve done it.

Watch this quick video to see exactly what you’re getting and how it can help.

Get the Cloud Farmer weather management tool for free  JOIN NOW
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